A white paper of the european marine bioresources consortium has been released
The creation of an European Marine Bioresources Consortium has been initiated, with participation of some of the HOLOSUSTAIN consortium partners (MFA, MATIS), focusing specifically on the sustainable and strategical market& supply development in Europe for seaweed, microalgae and low trophic species (among which sea cucumbers). The coordinator for the initiative from Norway is Demos Norway.
The countries thus far participating in this initiative are Belgium, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Italy, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, and United Kingdom.
The initiative is organized around the following six main “action” pillars:
- Develop a seaweed, micro algae, and low trophic species trading platform
- Support ocean governance promoting aquaculture and sustainable practices
- Create a sustainable blue bio-economy certification
- Encourage carbon and nutrient capture
- Promote blue growth and facilitate cooperation between industry, finance, and governments
- Establish a strategy for blue education and employment
Thus, all HOLOSUSTAIN partners will be maintained informed about possible collaborations, derived from the cooperation with the European Marine Bioresources Consortium, in order to be able to contribute to relevant strategical undertakings or provide concrete R&D/ Industrial support to the initiatives of interest.
The full text of the White Paper is downloadable here.